- nerve in a space of limited compliance vulnerable to compression
- carpal, cubital, ulnar tunnels, deep to fibrous bands and tendinous arches
- increase in volume of a material in this space – increase pressure – compress nerve- mechanical peripheral neuropathy

- effects on structure and function
- severity depends on magnitude and duration of compression
- myelin damage – blood flow alterations - ischemic changes
- elevation of pressure in nerve - <40mmHg- sensory nerve function changes – reversible with restoration of blood flow – motor dysfunction at higher pressure and sustained elevation
- chronic compression - intraneural scarring, edema – due to prolonged ischemia
- structural changes – alterations or loss of myelin coatings of nerve fibers – in c/c high pressure compressions esp involving edges – resolve only in some time
- also inhibit axoplasmic flow – both antegrade and retrograde – diminishing the nerve function – contributing to bulging appearance of nerve proximal and distal to site of compression.
Clinical evaluation
- Sensory threshold testing
- how well a single nerve fiber innervating a receptor or group of receptor cell is functioning
- Vibrometry
- Semmeasa Weinstein monofilaments
- pressure to finger tip with filament until filament bends
- pressure required to bend directly related to its diameter
- filaments of successively increasing diameter to determine the sensory threshold of slowly adapting nerve fibers
- Vibration testing
- with 256 Hz tuning fork – to evaluate the sensory threshold of quickly adapting nerve fibers
- Innervation density tests
- two point and moving two- point discrimination
- measure multiple overlapping peripheral receptor fields and the density of innervation ie. How many nerve fibers are present and correctly represented in cortex
- compression neuropathy – nerve fibers are not lost – but not functioning well
- nerve laceration – nerve fiber lost
- useful in evaluating nerve laceration and recovery after repair than for evaluating compression neuropathy
- Provocative testing
- tests compress, stretch, percuss the nerve to elicit numbness and paraesthesia in its sensory distribution
- useful in exertional compression neuropathy
- Evaluation of muscle weakness or atrophy
- muscles innervated by nerve is tested for bulk and strength
Electrodiagnostic studies
- only objective test of nerve
- sensory nerve action potential and composite motor action potential are wave form of NCV
- measure latency and conduction velocity of sensory and motor nerve fibers
- activity of a single motor unit consisting of nerve cell, its fibers and the muscle group it innervates
- positive sharp waves and fibrillation potentials – indicate recent muscle denervation
- small highly polyphasic MUPs and decreased fibrillations – early re innervation of muscle
- MUPs of great duration and amplitude - c/c denervation with collateral re innervation resulting form adjacent nerve sprouting
Laboratory investigations
- r/o hypothyroidism with myxedema, obesity, cervical radiculopathy, DM, alcoholism, exposure to neurotoxic chemicals
Principles of treatment
- splinting, medications, physiotherapy, corticosteroid injections, correction of metabolic abnormalities
- splinting at night – avoid positions that are harmful to nerve function
- NSAIDS, diuretics
- steroid injections after failure of non operative treatment
- indications of surgery
- failure of non surgical management
- acute rapidly progressive involvement
- severe cases
- symptom recurrence
- procedures
- decompression
- nerve transposition or flap coverage – if nerve bed is scarified
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