- function to prevent weight bearing – eventally to walk unaided
- muscles required for using crutches are
- flexors of fingers and thumb to hold the hand grip firmly
- dorsiflexion of wrist and stabilize the wrist in dorsiflexion
- extensors of elbow to stabilize elbow in slight flexion – to take the body wt through upper limb
- flexion of shoulder to move the walking aid forward
- depression of shoulder girdle to support the body wt
- ability to use crutches efficiently depends on
- strength of the muscles required
- selection and adjustment of crutches
- sense of balance
- familiarity and manintance of crutches
- crutch stance
- knowledge of how to stand and balance on crutches before step
- gait pattern
- energy necessary for the gait pattern
- Crutch stance for the axillary crutch
- patient against wall – crutches placed under each arm
- correct stance – head up – back straight – pelvis over feet – shoulder depressed – axillary pads of crutches gripped between the lateral wall of chest and medial aspect of arm , 2 inches below the anterior axillary fold – crutch tips 6 inches forward and 6 inches out from tip of toes – palms of hands on hand grips of crutches – elbows in 300 flexion – body wt taken mainly on hands
- Gait patterns
- swinging crutch gait
- swing to crutch gait
- swing through crutch gait
- four point crutch gait
- two point crutch gait
- three point crutch gait
- selection of gait depends on
- ability of the patient to step forward with either one or two feet
- ability to bear weight and keep balance on one or both feet
- ability to push body forward by presssing down both crutches
- ability to maintain body errect
- ability to control the crutches
- all assisted gaits need more energy
- 2 and 3 point partial weight bearing gaits need 33% more energy than normal gait
- 3 point non weight bearing and swing through gait need 78% more energy
- Swinging Crutch gait
- body wt can be taken through both lower limbs together
- but uncapable of moving his lower limbs due to paralysis
- calipers are used to stabilize the limbs – limbs are moved by the muscles acting on pelvis
- stable position is of tripod – triangular base – apex on shoulder
- crutches form two anterior legs
- trunk and lower limbs form the posterior leg
- paralytic is stable in this position – except no FFD of hip, knee, ankle
- knees braced in extension – centre of gravity falls in front of the hip joint
- swinging to crutch – advances the crutch – swings the body to crutches
- swinging through crutch – body swings through beyond the crutches
- Four point crutch gait
- when all/ part of body wt can be taken on each foot – but patient is unsteady and needs wide based gait
- as condition improves – moves to two point gait
- right crutch – left foot (body wt on right hand) – left crutch – right foot ( body wt on left hand)
- Two point crutch gait
- to reduce the amount of body wt taken on both foot – some body wt can be taken by both l/l – good balance – both lowerlimbs painful/ weak
- right crutch and left foot simoultanously ( taking part of body wt on left foot) - left crutch and right foot simultanously (taking part of body wt on right foot)
- Three point crutch gait
- when one limb can support the whole body wt and other cant
- both crutches support the weak limb – stronger limb takes the whole body wt without support of crutches
- both crutches and weak limb together – stronger lower limb
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