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Original Photos of DNB Orthopaedics Theory papers
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DNB Orthopaedics Theory 2015 December
DNB Orthopaedics Paper
1. a)Classify osteoporosis
b) Clinical presentation and management of senile osteoporosis.
2. a)Indications and complications of amputations.
b) Early management of closed above knee amputation
3. a)Anatomy and blood supply of proximal end of femur and its importance in safe surgical dislocation of hip.
4.a. Fracture healing
b. Various factors influencing fracture healing
5.a. Morning stiffness.
b. Angular deformity of knee in children.
6.a.Differentiate between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
b. Management of osteoarthritis of knee in elderly
7.Etiopathogenesis ,clinical features, diagnosis and management of carpal tunnel syndrome.
8.a. Classify scoliosis.
b. Clinical features and management of slipped upper femoral epiphysis
10.a.Triple deformity of knee
b. Tarsal tunnel syndrome; clinical features and management
11. Course of radial nerve and its applied surgical significance.
12.Etiopathogenesis ,clinical features, prevention and management of Volkmann’s ischemic contracture.
13.What is thoracic outlet syndrome? Discuss briefly about its various causes.
14.a.Motor march.
b.Painful arc syndrome- etiopathogenseis and management
15.a.Pseudo fractures.
b. Myositis ossificans,diagnosis and management
16.a. Enumerate various causes of limp in a child.
b.Clinical features and management of painful limp with high grade fever in 5 yr old child,
17. Causes of maltracking of patella.
18.Surgical management of recurrent dislocation of patella in a child.
19.Diagnosis and managemnt of pott’s paraplegia.
20.Knuckle bender splint
21.Pantalar arthrodesis
22. Synovial chondromatosis-diagnosis and management
23.Osteoid osteoma-diagnosis and management
1.A. Classify traumatic dislocation of shoulder
B. Diagnosis and management of neglected posterior dislocation of shoulder in a young adult
2.A.Classify acetabular fracture
B.Role of radiological investigations in management of acetabular fractures
3.A.Acute management of traumatic knee dislocation
B.Classify multi ligament knee injury and principles of managing such cases
4.A.Crush syndrome
B.Spinal shock
5.A.Herbert screw
B.Skeletal traction in acute trauma
6.A.Classify open fractures
B. Management of open fracture shaft of tibia in a tertiary care setting
7.A. Enumerate causes of stiff elbow
B. Surgical management of post traumatic ankylosis of elbow in extension
8.A.Define polytrauma
B.Clinical presentation, complications and general principles of management of polytrauma
9.A.Role of ligamentotaxis in acute trauma
B.PTB Cast
10.A.Tension band wiring
B. Brown sequard syndrome; etiopathogenesis and clinical features
11.Bone bank and the role of allografts in orthopaedic practice
12.Recent advances in the diagnosis and management of rheumatoid arthritis
13.Limb salvage in malignant bone tumours with special emphasis on osteosarcoma of distal end of femur.
14.A.Minimal invasive plate osteosynthesis
B.Distraction histiogenesis
15.A.Wake up test
B.Bioabsorbable implants
16.Increasing role of minimum invasive techniques in orthopaedics and the role of arthroscopy in the management of intra articular fractures.
17.Problems encountered and the use of various modalities in surgical management of fragility fractures.
18. A. Common surgical factors affecting the early outcome of total hip arthroplasty.
B. Recent advances in the field of total hip arthroplasty
19.A. Terrible triad of death
B. Scapular dyskinesis.
20.A. Role of whole body CT scan in trauma
B.Role of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) in orthopaedics.
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DNB #Orthopaedics June 2015 Paper 1-4
1. Pathology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of rickets.
2. A) structure of physis with suitable diagrams
B)classify the physeal injuries
3. Evidence based medicine
4. Pathophysiology , diagnosis and management of fat embolism syndrome
5. Role of nuclear scan studies in orthopedic practice
Short notes on :
1. a) gait cycle
b) list various types of gaits
c) features of antalgic and trendelenberg gait
2. a) synovial fluid analysis
b) wallarian degeneration
3. a) nerve conduction velocity
b) clinical features, diagnosis, treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome
4. a) properties of bone graft
b) different types of bone grafts, bone graft substitute and their
5. a) role of biofilm in implant infection
b) production, regulation and management of biofilm
Write short notes on:
1. a) dupuytren’s contracture
b) tibial hemimelia
2. a) sunderland’s classification of nerve injury
b) tendon transfers or ulnar nerve palsy
3. surgical steps of:
a) hardinge approach to hip
b) antero-lateral decompression of D5 – D6 spine
4. a) ATT regimens in bone and joint tuberculosis
b) safe surgical dislocation : indications and key steps
5. a) clinical and radiological features in diagnosis of developmental
dyspalsia of hip(DDH)
b)treatment of unilateral DDH in an 18 month old child.
6. a) stage of tubercular arthritis hip
b) differentiating clinical features, treatment and prognosis of each
7. differentiate between
a) neurological and vascular claudication
b) paraplegia with active disease(early onset paraplegia) and
paraplegia with healed disease(late onset paraplegia)
8. a) enumerate fibrous lesions of bone
b) clinical features, diagnosis and management of fibrous dysplasia of
9. a) Osgood – Schlatter disease
b) congenital vertical talus
10.a) flexor zones of hand
b) clinical features and management of a 2 month old with zone 2
Paper 3 part A
Short notes on:
1 a) what is reverse shoulder arthroplasty
b) how is it different from conventional shoulder arthroplasty
2 a) randomized control trial
b)instrumentation in spinal tuberculosis- rationale and indications
3) applications of MRI in diagnosis and managment of spinal tumours
4) differentiate between
) primary and secondary fracture healing
b) sach foot and jaipur foot
5) A) enumerate the bearing surfaces in total hip arthroplasty
B) advantages and disadvantages of each bearing surfaces
Paper 3 part B
6) classsify periprosthetic femoral shaft fractures after total hip arthroplasty and their treatment options
7) A. Classify calcaneal fractures
B.management principles and complications of calcaneal fracture
8) A. Mangled extremity severity score
B. Ganga score
9) A. Pulseless pink hand following a supracondylar fracture of a humerus in a child
B.hoffa 's fracture
10 A. Enumerate the causes of rupture of achilles tendon
B.diagnosis and treatment of a fresh case of rupture of achilles tendon in 60yr old patient
Paper 4 part A
Short notes on:
1)a.classify tibial plateau fracture
B.mechanism of injury,evaluation and treatment of each type
2)a. Spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality(schiwora)
b.. Hangman's fracture
3)a.define compartment syndrome
b. clinical features,investigations and management of acute compartment syndrome of leg
4)a. Mechanism of injury of 'unhappy triad of O'donoghue'
B.outline management of chronic ACL insufficiency in a young athelete
B.classification of fracture of distal end of radius
Paper 4 part B
1)a. Oncogenic osteomalacia
b. autologous chondrocyte implantation
2)current concepts in management of osteosarcoma
3)a.DMARDS in rheumatoid arthritis
b. local antibiotic delivery
4)current concepts in the management of skeletal metastasis
5)a. Classify neglected femoral neck fracture in adults
b..treatment with rationale in each type of neglected femoral neck fracture
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DNB Orthopaedics DEC 2014
1. Define Torticollis. Enumerate the signs and symptoms of Congenital Torticollis in a 9 yr old child. How will you manage spasmodic torticollis in a child?
2. Define Trigger Finger. What are the causes. Describe the clinical feature and surgical management of trigger thumb?
3. What is Myoelectric Prosthesis.What are it’s components ?It’s applications and advantages.
4. Describe the anatomy of Common Peroneal Nerve. Name the muscles supplied by the nerve and the tendon transfer in CPN Palsy.
5. TB of Cervical Spine.
Write short notes on
6. Clinical features of gout and management of acute attack of gout.
7. Enumerate Causes of avascular necrosis(AVN) and non arth roplasty surgical methods of AVN of femoral head .Describe core decompression.
8. A Iliotibial band
B Bone cement
9. A. Chymopapain
B. Methotrexate in Orthopaedics
10. Frozen shoulder .Clinical features and management.
1. Ponsetti Steps in CTEV Correction
2. Compound Palmar Ganglion
3. a.Bikini Incision
b.Schanz Osteotomy
4. a.CleidocranialDysostosis
b. Genu Valgum
5. a Vascular Claudication
b . Synovial Fluid
6. a Gluteus Maximus flap in the management of decubitus ulcer
b.Stove-in- Chest
7.a. Fibrous Dysplasia
8.a.Factors influencing spinal curve progression in congenital scoliosis
b. Neurofibromastosis
9. What is felon?It’s preferred management and it’s difference from paronychia.
10. Draw diagram(s) of anatomical and mechanical axis of lower limb and briefly discuss the biomechanical principles of total knee replacement.
1. What is cast syndrome?Discuss it’s clinical symptoms and management.
2. Mechanism , clinical features and management of scaphoid fractures.
3. Classify open fractures .Discuss the emergency management of Grade3B G(Gustilo &Anderson)Open fractures of tibia.
4. a. Damage Control Orthopaedics
b.Stress fracture
5. Define ‘Virchow’s triad’ .Discuss the management of DVT
6. a.Stimson method to reduce Posterior Dislocation Hip
b.Cubitus Valgus
7. a.Bankart’s Lesion
b.Necrotizing Fascitis
8.a. Metabolic Acidosis
b.Post operative fever
9. Define Component therapy. Enumerate and mention uses of various blood fractions.
10. What is pneumatic tourniquet? Discuss it’s uses, complications & safety guidelines
Write short notes on
1.a. Gene therapy in orthopaedics
b.Induced membrane formation to cover bone defects
2. What are the commonly used absorbable sutures in Orthopaedics ? Compare their properties
3. What is “Sandwich Technique”? Describe this technique in management of Giant Cell Tumour of distal end of radius.
4. Indications ,positioning, portals and complications of hip arthroscopy.
5.Role of bisphosphonates in the management of Osteoporosis and their complications.
6. PET Scan in Orthopaedic practice.
7. Vascular Fibular Grafting in management of neglected fracture neck of femur.
8. a. Autologous transfusion
b. Platelet rich plasma
9.Advances in articular cartilage tissue engineering.
10. a.Telemedicine
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DNB Orthopaedics June 2014 Questions
1. Describe the stages of fracture healing .List the factors influencing the fracture healing. What are the causes of nonunion? 4+4+2
2. Define peak bone mass. What factors affect attaining peak bone mass? How does it correlate with osteoporosis? 2+4+4
3. Describe the principles of ultrasonography. Discuss its clinical use in Orthopaedic practice. 4+6
4. Write briefly the current presentation and treatment strategies in MRSA infection. Briefly mention about its evaluation. (3+5)+2
5. Describe the potential spaces of hand. Discuss clinical features and treatment of deep space infection of hand. 4+(2+4)
6. Allograft – Definition , types, principles of preparation, advantages and disadvantages. 2+2+2+2+2
7. Wallerian degeneration – Definition and pathology. 10
8. a) Principles of Tendon transfer. b) Tendon transfer for high radial nerve palsy. 4+6
9. What is evidence based medicine? Describe the hierarchy of evidence. Discuss the differences in various types of studies 2+4+4
10. Enumerate the differential diagnosis of limping child (10 years). Differentiate between a case of septic arthritis with transient synovitis. 5+5
11. Describe the indications of surgery in tuberculosis of spine. Discuss role of instrumented stabilization in TB spine. 6+4
12. Describe the pathology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of Madelung deformity . 3+2+2+3
13. Describe the flexor zones of hand. Outline the treatment of flexor tendon injury (acute and chronic) in zone II. 3+7
14. Discuss pathology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of L4-L5 intervertebral disc prolapse. 2+3+2+3
15. Discuss the pathology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of Pigmented villonodular synovitis . 2+3+2+3
16. Discuss in brief pathology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of fibrous dysplasia of bone. 2+3+2+3
17. List the osteotomies around hip. Write briefly about the principles of each osteotomy. 3+7
18. Define the recurrent dislocation of patella. Discuss in brief its clinical features, diagnosis and treatment. 2+(2+3+3)
19. Define distraction histiogenesis. Discuss the principles of distraction histiogenesis. Enumerate the indications of distraction histiogenesis in orthopaedic practice. 2+5+3
20. Define Tom Smith’s hip arthritis. Discussthe clinical features, diagnosis, treatment and sequelae. 2+(2+2+2+2)
21. Classify fracture of acetabulum. Outline treatment of specific fracture patterns. 2+8
22.Classify fracture neck and femur in children. Discuss the treatment principles and prognosis. 3+(4+3)
23. What is whiplash injury of cervical spine? Discussits clinical features, diagnosis and treatment. 3+(2+2+3)
24. Discuss the tension band principles. Describe its clinical use in fracture management. 4+6
25. Discuss the pathology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of acute compartment syndrome. 2+3+2+3
26. Discuss the “ASIA SCORE”. Classify bladder paralysis in spinal cord injury with salient features. 4+6
27. Classify ankle injuries. Discuss in brief the treatment principles of each type. 3+7
28. Classify epiphyseal injuries. Describe the treatment principles and complications of each type. 3+7
29. Describe the classification used for open fractures. Discuss in brief Ganga score. 6+4
30.Discuss the pathology , clinical features, diagnosis and treatment principles of nonunion of fracture scaphoid. 2+2+3+3
31. List the various generations of cementing techniques. Discuss their difference in brief. 10
32. Differentiate between parosteal and periosteal osteosarcoma in terms of pathology, clinical features, treatment and prognosis. 2+3+3=2
33. Describe in brief the current state of knowledge of use of stem cells in Orthopaedic practice. 10
34. Describe principles and clinical use of:- a) PET Scan b) Bone Scan 5+5
35. Discuss principles of limb salvage surgery in malignant bone tumor. List the indications and contraindications. 5+(2+3)
36. Discuss the surgical steps of : a) Anterolateral decompression of D5-6 tuberculosis of spine b) Anterolateral exposure of hip 5+5
37. Write short notes on a) Plagiarism b) Impact factor 5+5
38. Describe the pathology of nerve regeneration. Classify nerve injuries. 5+5
39. Describe the role of PCL in knee arthroplasty. Discuss the benefits of PCL retention v/s substitution. 4+6
40. Name the biomaterials used in Orthopaedics. Discuss their characteristic features.
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DNB Ortho 2013 December Questions
- 1) Tuberculosis - dorsal spine with paraplegia
Briefly discuss clinical features , investigations , differential diagnosis and principles of management
2) Aetiology and pathoanatomy of recurrent dislocation of shoulder . Outline the principles of management .
3) Methods of nerve repair and methods of closing gaps between nerve ends.
4) High tibial osteotomy.
5) Valgus osteotomy of hip.
6) Wound ballistics.
7) Fat embolism
8) Thoracic outlet syndrome – aetiology , clinical features and management .
9) Neuropathic arthropathy –aetiology , diagnosis and principles of management.
10) Multiple myeloma – clinical features , diagnosis , management
11) Fluorosis
12) Halopelvic device
13) Necrotising fascitis
14) Femoroacetabular impingement
15) Proximal humerus fracture – diagnosis , management in elderly patients and complications.
16) Whiplash injury – clinical features , investigations and management.
17) Factors responsible for post traumatic stiffness of elbow , management of stiff elbow .
18) Gas gangrene – aetiology , pathogenesis , diagnosis and management.
19) Infected fracture shaft of femur after surgery for shaft of femur, discuss principles of management
20) Complications of total knee arthroplasty.classify periprosthetic fractures and discuss their management.
21) How to diagnose anterior cruciate ligament injury clinically? Investigations and management of acl injury in young athletes reporting after injury .
22) Classify fracture neck of talus . Management ? Hawkins sign ?
23) Indications of amputations ? Principles of amputations in children and adults
1) Clinical Presentations In Rheumatoid Hand . Pathoanatomy Of These Lesions
2) DDH . Pathoanatomy ,Diagnosis And Management .
3) Anterior Interossious Nerve Syndrome .
4) Nutritional Rickets . Clinical Features , X-Ray And Management.
5) Erbs Palsy .
6) Metatarsus Adductus
7) Botulinum1V-PART A1)Spinal Canal Stenosis
2)Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
3)What Is Bone Cement? Indications? Contraindications For Usage ? Methods Of Bone Cementing ? Mention Complications
4)Highly Crosslinked Polyethylene
5) PET Scan
6)Enumerate Various Methods For Bone Mineral Measurement . Define Its Density In Various Conditions . Discuss Management Of Osteoporotic Fractures .PART – B1) Tourniquet in orthopaedics
2) Neurogenic Bladder
3) What Is A Tubercle? Discuss Pathoanatomy , Diagnosis And Principles Of Management Of Cold Abscess?
4) Effects Of Reaming Of Bone
5) Biofilm
6) Define Shock. Discuss Management Of Shock In A Polytrauma Patient .
7) Describe Various Bone Graft Substitutes. Their Method Of Application , Ways Of Incorporation And Complications.
8) Myoelectric prosthesis. Describe its components , applications and advantages in brief.
9) Describe the classifications and the principles of management of congenital pseudoarthrosis of tibia.
10) Management of claw hand in a patient suffering from leprosy.
11) Hip arthrography.
12) Ponseti technique in CTEV
13) Strength-duration curve.
14) Electromyography.
- 1)Spinal Canal Stenosis
2)Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
3)What Is Bone Cement? Indications? Contraindications For Usage ? Methods Of Bone Cementing ? Mention Complications
4)Highly Crosslinked Polyethylene
5) PET Scan
6)Enumerate Various Methods For Bone Mineral Measurement . Define Its Density In Various Conditions . Discuss Management Of Osteoporotic Fractures .PART – B1) Tourniquet in orthopaedics
2) Neurogenic Bladder
3) What Is A Tubercle? Discuss Pathoanatomy , Diagnosis And Principles Of Management Of Cold Abscess?
4) Effects Of Reaming Of Bone
5) Biofilm
6) Define Shock. Discuss Management Of Shock In A Polytrauma Patient .
7) Describe Various Bone Graft Substitutes. Their Method Of Application , Ways Of Incorporation And Complications.
8) Myoelectric prosthesis. Describe its components , applications and advantages in brief.
9) Describe the classifications and the principles of management of congenital pseudoarthrosis of tibia.
10) Management of claw hand in a patient suffering from leprosy.
11) Hip arthrography.
12) Ponseti technique in CTEV
13) Strength-duration curve.
14) Electromyography. - Compiled www.orthodnb.com
DNB Ortho June 2013
1.what is reperfusion injury? How can we prevent it? Outline the principles of its management
2.describe bone healing. Discuss factors influencing bone healing
3.describe the clinical presentation of posterior dislocation of hip.how will u reduce it with Bigelow's method? Discuss causes which make reduction difficult. Enumerate complications of posterior dislocation of hip
4.write short notes on
A.plaster of paris
B.bone cement
C.torus fracture
5.describe the clinical features, radiology and treatment of non ossifying fibroma
6.classify nerve injuries. write briefly about their prognosis
7.discuss differentiating features between osteonecrosis and transient migratory osteoporosis
8.describr the design of pelvic 'C' clamp. what are the indication of its application and method to fix an unstable fracture
9.what is tuberculoma? Discuss the primary drugs used to treat Tuberculosis of spine.enumerate the complications of isoniazid, streptomycin and ethambutol
10.write short notes on
A.vitamin D resistant rickets
B.cast syndrome
Paper II
Part A
1.what is Kienbocks disease.write in brief etiology, diagnosis and management of this condition
2.describe clinical features , investigation s, management of acute osteomyelitis of upper end of tibia in a 10 year old child
3.discuss the patho anatomy of congenital talipes equinus varus
4.what is dupuytren's fracture dislocation? Discuss its management
5.write short notes on
A.mallet finger
B.blood supply of scaphoid bone
Part b
6. define and classify epiphyseal injuries.discuss the management of Salter and Harris type 4 epiphyseal injury
7.write short notes on
A.discoid meniscus
B.congenital muscular torticollis
8.discuss the principles of application of Milwaukee's brace .what are the clinical features of idiopathic kyphoscoliosis? Enumerate the indications of surgical intervention
9.what is jaipur foot? Discuss the absolute and relative indications of amputation
10.discuss the etiology , clinical features and treatment of sudeck's atrophy
Paper III
Part A
1 .enumerate the portals for arthroscopy of knee joint. Describe the various arthroscopies, their accessories and indication of arthroscopy of knee joint
2.classify pelvic fracture. Describe various radiological views for assessing pelvic injuries. How will u manage rotationally unstable pelvic injuries.
3.describe ilizarov fixator and corticotomy. How will u manage a case of defect non union
4.short notes on
1.myossitis ossificans
2.habitual dislocation of patella
5.what is 'VAC'? How will u manage a case of compound fracture of tibia having no neurovascular deficit
Part b
6what is damage control orthopedics.how will u manage a case.of fracture shaft of femur with lung contusions in an adult
7.short notes on
1.gram negative septicemia
8.define osteoporosis. Describe various radiological investigations in a patient with osteoporosis. How will u manage a case of fracture D12 in an adult
9.describe clinical features of osteogenesis imperfecta. discuss the types of osteogenesis imperfecta.how does it differ from batter baby syndrome
10.draw diagrams of brachial plexus
How will u clinically differentiate preganglioic and post ganglionic lesions?
Paper IV
1.describe the blood supply of femoral head.how does it differ in adults and children
2.describe the anatomy of tibialis posterior tendon.what is tibialis posterior dysfunction.describe management of such cases
3.discuss the anatomy of parathyroid gland.describe the clinical features, radiological presentation of adenoma of parathyroid gland.what is hungry bone syndrome?
4.describe etiopathogenesis, clinical features , management of alkaptonuria
5.what are the indicationof excision of head of radius? Describe the posterolateral approach
Part b
1.short notes on
2. describe the anatomy of central and lateral canals in the lumbar spine in relation to lumbar stenosis. How will u clinically differentiate central from lateral lumbar canal stenosis. Briefly describe the management
3.describe the gross physical features of synovial fluid. Discuss the characteristic features in various pathological conditions vis a vis microscopic and biochemical analysis
4.describe the mechanism of bacterial colonization and perpetuation in osteomyelitis after orthopedic implant surgery. How is the situation different in tuberculous infection of musculoskeletal system
5.write short notes
A.chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis
B.combined angle of anteversion during total hip arthroplasty.
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DNB Ortho December 2012
Paper 1
1. Differentiate between: a) Primary bone healing and secondary bone healing.
b) DCP and locked compression plate
2. Define functional cast bracing. Discuss the indications and principles of applications of patellar tendon bearing cast.
3. Describe the biomechanics of hip. Discuss Trendelenburg test and gait.
4. Write short notes on:
a) Ganga score
b) Spine at risk sign
5. Describe the principles of ultrasonography. List the usage of ultrasonography in orthopedic practice.
6. Briefly describe methods to cover defects after excision of primary malignant tumors of bone. What is extracorporeal irradiated tumour bone?
7. Write short notes on:
a) Scurvy
b) Hyperparathyroidism
8. Write short notes on: -
a) Impact factor -
b) Plagiarism
c) Randomized Control Trial (RCT)
9. Describe the anatomy of posterior cruciate ligament. Discuss the pros and cons of cruciate retaining Vs cruciate sacrificing total knee replacement.
10. Bleeding disorders encountered in orthopedic practice. What is a hemophilÃc pseudotumor? Discuss its management.
Paper 2
11. Discuss the pathology, clinical features and management of synovial chondromatosis.
22. What is “Diffuse Interstitial Skeletal Hyperostosis'
Describe the clinical features and its management.
33. What is compartment syndrome? Discuss aetiology, clinical picture and management of compartment syndrome of the leg.
44. What is surgical dislocation of the hip joint? Enumerate the indications and key technical steps.
55. Write short notes on:
a) IT(Iliotibial) band contracture Ãn Polio
b) Strength duration curve
6. Write short notes on.
a) Giant cell variants
b) Psoas abscess
7. Define the “Borderline” patient in polytrauma. Discuss the clinical and investigative parameters to decide whether the patient should be managed by Early Total Care (ETC) Vs Damage Control Orthopedics -(DCO).
8. short notes on:
a) Management strategies `in a HIV patient with a fresh compound fracture of leg bones.
b) Mádelung defonnity.
9. Describe in brief etiology, pathology, clinical presentation and the principles of management of Charcots joints.
10. what is reverse shoulder replacement? How is it different from conventional shoulder arthroplasty? Enumerate the indications and biochemical basis of the design of this prosthesis.
Paper 3
1. Discuss the pathogenesis. clinical features and management of Dupuytren's contracture.
2. Describe the classification, clinical features and management of tibial hemimelia.
3. Describe the flexor tendon zones of the hand. Describe the management of cut flexor tendons of middle finger in zone Ill.
4. Describe the classification of Perthe's disease. Enumerate 'Head at Risk’ signs. List prognostic factors in Perthe’s disease.
5. Write short notes on:
a) Electrodiagnosis in carpal tunnel syndrome
b) Salter's osteotomy
6 Write short notes on:
a) Isokinetic exercises
b) Steenbeek brace
6. Describe the etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of renal osteodystrophy.
7. Describe the pathology, clinical features, radiological findings and treatment of diaphyseal aclasis.
8. What is crouch gait? How will you evaluate such a patient? Discuss the management.
9. Write short notes on:
a) Quadriceps contracture of infancy and childhood.
b) Pathoanatomy of clubfoot.
Paper 4
1. Classify acromioclavicular joint injuries. Discuss diagnosis and management.
2. Describe the mechanism of injury, classification and treatment of Hangman’s fracture.
3. Describe the mechanism of injury and classification of tibia! pilon fracture. Discuss the management.
4. Classify perioperative femoral stem fractures around the hip joint. Discuss the treatment options.
5. Write short notes on: -
a) Role of injectable methyl prednisolone in post traumatic spinal injuries.
b) ClassificatÃon of incomplete spinal cord syndromes.
6. Classify acetabular fracture. Outline the treatment of each fracture type.
7. Define post traumatic stiff knee. Discuss in brief its causes, diagnosis and management.
8. What are the components of “Terrible triad of the Elbow"? Describe the mechanism and principles of management.
9. Discuss the diagnosis of radial nerve palsy. Suggest the treatment guidelines for closed fracture of humerus with radial nerve palsy.
10. Define hierarchy of evidence. Define broad principles of each level of evidence.
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DNB Orthopaedics Theory Paper June 2012
11. Define MDR Tuberculosis. Discuss the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of a case of MDR tuberculosis of spine (1+2+3+4)
22. Discuss the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and Differential Diagnosis of Heterotopic Ossification (3+3+4)
33. Discuss treatment options of the focal cartilage defect over the medial femoral condyle in a 40 yr old man (10)
44. Discuss the management of deep vein thrombosis in orthopaedic patients
55. Describe the illustrative diagrams of the surgical exposure of radius at various levels (10)
66. Describe the surgical reconstruction in a case of one and a half yr old common peroneal nerve palsy (10)
77. Describe the principles of stabilization of foot
88. write in brief (5+5) a.Ceramic bearing surfaces in arthroplasty
b.Bone scan in musculoskeletal disorder.
99. Enumerate causes of claw hand deformity. Discuss its management in short (3+7)
110. Write brief notes on 4+(3+3) a. Alendronate induced fractures
b.Diagnosis and treatment of osteomalacia
1.Describe the treatment of acute flexor tendon injuries in various zones of hand (10)
2.Describe the Aetiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of Madelung deformity(3+3+4)
3.Describe the clinical features ,diagnosis and management of tuberculosis hip in children(3+3+4)
4.Discuss the differential diagnosis and investigation in an 8 yr old child with persistent limp((5+5)
5.Classify congenital skeletal limb deficiencies(10)
6.Discuss in brief(5+5) a.Sequelae of pyogenic arthritis of hip in infancy
b.Intoeing gait
7.Describe the aetiopathology and management of SCFE(4+6)
8.write SN on (5+5) a.FRO
b.IT(interferential therapy)
9.WRite brief notes on (5+5) a.Role of orthosis in treatmnt of clubfoot
b.patellar tendon bearing prosthesis
10.write brief notes on (5+5) a.Clinical and radiological diagnosis of scurvy
b.Adolescnt coxa vara
1. Describe the management of failed osteosynthesis of fracture neck of femur in a young adult(10)
2.Discuss the management of diaphyseal gap nonunion with 5 cm bone loss in a young adult(10)
3.Describe the tension band principle and how it is used in fracture care(5+5)
4.describe the classification of thoracolumbar injuries and discuss the treatment of burst fracture L1(5+5)
5.Describe the classification, clinical features and management of Lisfranc's fracture dislocation(3+3+4)
6.Describe the Sander's classification of calcaneal fractures and discuss the treatment of each type (4+6)
7.Describe the classification of the distal humeral fractures in adults. Describe the surgical approaches used for internal fixation of these fractures (4+6)
8.Describe the blood supply of scaphoid. Discuss the treatment of nonunion of scaphoid (4+6)
9.Describe the mechanism of injury of Radial head fracture. Discuss its classification and management (3+3+4)
10.write SN on (5+5) a.External fixator in musculoskeletal injuries
b.Antimicrobial prophylaxis to prevent surgical site infection.
1.Describe the structure of bone with illustrative diagram(s) (10)
2. List the factors affecting Ca metabolism. Describe the radiological features of rickets (5+5)
3.write SN on nuclear medicine and its applications in orthopaedics (5+5)
4.Discuss the anatomical basis of thoracic outlet syndrome and its management (5+5)
5.Discuss the therapeutical potential of stem cells in musculoskeletal disorders (10)
6.Describe the musculoskeletal manifestations in sickle cell anaemia(10)
7.Describe the clinical features, laboratory findings and management of gout (3+3+4)
8.Describe the gait cycle .List various types of gait with diagnostic features (4+6)
9.Describe the methods used for augmentation of fracture healing (10)
10. Describe the role of Ultrasonography in musculoskeletal disorders (10)
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DNB December 2011
DNB Final 2011 December Orthopedic Question papers
1. Describe the pathology, clinical features and principles of treatment of a neuropathic joint.
2. Describe the pathophysiology of Polytrauma patient and discuss the principles of Damage Control Orthopedics.
3. Discuss the etiopathology, diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment of D.V.T.
4. Describe the pathology, diagnosis and broad principles of management of ankylosing spondylitis.
5. Discuss the pathophysiology and principles of treatment of Heterotopic ossification.
6. Discuss the surgical options in the treatment of mild medial compartment osteoarthrosis of knee in a 40 years old man.
7. a. Autonomic dysreflexia in Spinal Cord lnjury
b. Femoro-acetabular lmpingement Syndrome
8. Describe the pathology of avascular necrosis of femoral head and outline the principles of management in Ficat 3 stage of femoral head in a 30 years old man.
9. a. Pigmented villonodular synovitis
b. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
10. a. Transient migralory osteoporosis
b. Early tendon transfer in Radial Nerve Palsy
1. Define osteomyelitis. Discuss the pathology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of acute osteomyelitis in a child.
2. List the causes of limp in an 8 years old child. Describe the differentiating features of septic arthritis with transient synovitis.
3. What is Kienbock's disease? Write briefly its etiology, diagnosis, clinical staging and management.
4. Describe "JAIPUR FOOT". Discuss the difference with 'SACH FOOT'& -MADRAS FOOT"?
5. a. SOMI brace
b. lnterferential Therapy (lFT)
6. Define ulnar claw hand. Discuss the tendon transfer for ulnar claw hand following ulnar nerve injury.
7. a. Radial Club Hand
b. Congenital Vertical Talus
8. Describe the flexor zones of hand. Discuss the principles of acute tendon repair (zone-wise).
9. a. Renal Rickets.
b. Salter's Osteotomy
10. a. Strength Duration Curve
b. Congenital Torticollis
1. Classify distal radius fractures. Describe radiological indices of wrist. Discuss the treatment principles of extra-articular distal radius fractures.
2. Classify infected nonunion. Discuss the treatment of infected nonunion of tibia.
3. Discuss the diagnosis and management of Anterior cruciate Ligament (ACL) lnjury.
4. Discuss the differences between :-
a. Machine screw and ASIF screw
b. DCP, LCDCP, Locking plate
c. Static compression and Dynamic compression
5. Classify proximal tibial fractures. Outline the management of type lV, V, and Vl fractures.
6. a. Fracture head of femur
b. Classification of Calcaneal fracture
7. Discuss the management of osteoporotic spinal fractures.
8. Describe the blood supply of talus. classify "Talar neck fractures". Discuss treatment and list complications.
9. Describe the structure of physis. Classify physeal injury. Outline the treatment of physeal injury and enumerate the compiications.
10. Define and classify Montegia fracture dislocation. Discuss the treatment principles of neglected Montegia fracture dislocation in a 10 years old child.
1. Describe the extensor mechanism of knee and the factors that predispose to recurrent dislocation of patella.
2. Draw a cross section of peripheral nerve and label the structures. Describe Sunderland's classification of nerve injury.
3. a. Plaster Cast Syndrome
b. Bone morphogenic protein
4. Describe Stress, Strain, and Young's Modulus of Elasticity in relation to Orthopedic implants.
5. Describe 'free vascularized bone transplant. Discuss the principles of technique and applications in Orthopaedic practice.
6. Discuss the role of parathyroid glands in calcium metabolism.
7. Discuss the principles of application of Functional Cast Bracing in ' the management of diaphyseal fractures of long bones.
8. Discuss ceramics as bearing surface in Total Hip Arthroplasty.
9. a. Biodegradable lmplants
b. Principles and applications of lnterlocking Nailing
10. a. Unicameral Bone Cyst
b. Parosteal Osteosarcoma
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DNB December 2010 Theory papers
Paper 1
1. Define neuropathic joint. List the causes of neuropathic joint. Mention in brief the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of neuropathic joint.
2. Define gout. Describe in brief its clinical features, diagnosis and treatment.?
3. Describe the broad principles of tendon transfer. Enumerate the tendon transfer for high radial nerve palsy.
4. Discuss the indications of surgery in TB spine with or without
neurological complications.
5. Draw a labeled diagram of brachial plexus. Classify brachial plexus
injury. Describe the clinical features and management of lower brachial
plexus injury.
6. Describe various types of lumbar root anomalies. List the
complications of lumbar disc surgery.
7. Define "Fat Embolism Syndrome". Describe in brief the clinical -
features, diagnosis and management of "Fat Embolism Syndrome".
8. Define Giant Cell Tumor (GCT) of bone. Describe in brief clinical
features, diagnosis and management principles of GCT of upper end
of tibia.
9. Describe aetiopathogenesis of avascular necrosis of hip. Classify
avascular necrosis of hip. Comment on broad principles of its
10. Define ochronotic arthropathy. Describe its clinical features, diagnosis and management.
Paper 2
1. Define congenital muscular torticollis. List the differential diagnosis and outline the management of congenital muscular torticollis.
2. Describe the blood supply of scaphoid. Describe the clinical features, diagnosis and management of nonunion of scaphoid.
3. Define ulnar claw hand. Enumerate the causes of ulnar claw hand. Discuss its management.
4. Describe Dupuytren disease and its characteristic f,eatures. Describe in brief its pathogenesis prognosis and management.
5. Describe the hand deformities in rheumatoid arthritis. Describe in brief the Patho-anatomy and treatment of “Boutonneire deformity”.
6. Define pseudoarthrosis of tibia. Describe its pathogenesis, diagnosis, classification and management
7. Define Legg Calves Perthes disease. Describe its clinical features, diagnosis and management
8. Classify physeal injuries. Describe the management and complications of various types of physeal injuries.
9. List the causes of limp in a child.
10. Describe the Pathology and radiological signs in rickets and scurvy.
Paper 3
I. Classify proximal humerus fracture. Discuss the management options for various types. Outline the management for type IV fracture in elderly females.
2. Describe pitfalls in using the Locking Compression Plate.
3. Classify open fractures of tibia. Describe the management of type 3 b open fracture of tibia.
4. Describe briefly the etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, investigations and treatment of painful elbow following injury around elbow.
5. Describe classification of Monteggia fracture dislocation and its management.
6. Define nonunion. Describe the classification and broad principles of management of diaphyseal nonunion.
7. Define Tension Band principle. Describe the use of Tension Band principle in fracture surgery.
8. Define external fixation. Classify the external fixators. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of external fixation.
9. Classify thoracolumbar spine injuries. Give radiological classification of burst fracture. Outline the management of burst fracture of LI vertebra.
10. Describe various methods of treatment of distal radius fracture with their principles.
Paper 4
1. Describe different types of bone grafts along with their properties.
2. Describe the phases of normal gait and the types of muscle contractions in gait cycle.
3. Write short note on Nuclear medicine and its applications in Orthopedics.
4. What is flap reconstruction? Write its classification.
5. What are the types of epiphysis? Describe the types, various methods and indications of epiphysiodesis.
6. Write short note on Coxa Vara.
7. Describe pathogenesis of acute compartment syndrome and its diagnosis.
8. Name biomaterials used in orthopedics. Describe in brief their features.
9. Describe nerve injuries, Sunderland Classification, outcome expected and basis of repair.
10. Describe the various foot and ankle deformities in cerebral palsy and their management.
1. Define congenital muscular torticollis. List the differential diagnosis and outline the management of congenital muscular torticollis.
2. Describe the blood supply of scaphoid. Describe the clinical features, diagnosis and management of nonunion of scaphoid.
3. Define ulnar claw hand. Enumerate the causes of ulnar claw hand. Discuss its management.
4. Describe Dupuytren disease and its characteristic f,eatures. Describe in brief its pathogenesis prognosis and management.
5. Describe the hand deformities in rheumatoid arthritis. Describe in brief the Patho-anatomy and treatment of “Boutonneire deformity”.
6. Define pseudoarthrosis of tibia. Describe its pathogenesis, diagnosis, classification and management
7. Define Legg Calves Perthes disease. Describe its clinical features, diagnosis and management
8. Classify physeal injuries. Describe the management and complications of various types of physeal injuries.
9. List the causes of limp in a child.
10. Describe the Pathology and radiological signs in rickets and scurvy.
Paper 3
I. Classify proximal humerus fracture. Discuss the management options for various types. Outline the management for type IV fracture in elderly females.
2. Describe pitfalls in using the Locking Compression Plate.
3. Classify open fractures of tibia. Describe the management of type 3 b open fracture of tibia.
4. Describe briefly the etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, investigations and treatment of painful elbow following injury around elbow.
5. Describe classification of Monteggia fracture dislocation and its management.
6. Define nonunion. Describe the classification and broad principles of management of diaphyseal nonunion.
7. Define Tension Band principle. Describe the use of Tension Band principle in fracture surgery.
8. Define external fixation. Classify the external fixators. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of external fixation.
9. Classify thoracolumbar spine injuries. Give radiological classification of burst fracture. Outline the management of burst fracture of LI vertebra.
10. Describe various methods of treatment of distal radius fracture with their principles.
Paper 4
1. Describe different types of bone grafts along with their properties.
2. Describe the phases of normal gait and the types of muscle contractions in gait cycle.
3. Write short note on Nuclear medicine and its applications in Orthopedics.
4. What is flap reconstruction? Write its classification.
5. What are the types of epiphysis? Describe the types, various methods and indications of epiphysiodesis.
6. Write short note on Coxa Vara.
7. Describe pathogenesis of acute compartment syndrome and its diagnosis.
8. Name biomaterials used in orthopedics. Describe in brief their features.
9. Describe nerve injuries, Sunderland Classification, outcome expected and basis of repair.
10. Describe the various foot and ankle deformities in cerebral palsy and their management.
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DNB Orthopaedics Theory December 2009
Paper 1
1. Post-operative pain management. Describe patient control analgesia.
2. Clinical features and management of stove in chest.
3. Indications of Limb salvage surgery in malignant bone tumors. Describe the techniques of limb salvage in osteosarcoma.
4. Uses of botulinum neurotoxin in Orthopaedic surgery.
5. Define pigmented villonodular synovitis. Describe pathology, clinical features, diagnosis & its treatment.
6. Give a functional classification of muscles around the shoulder. Enumerate the indications for shoulder arthrodesis. What are the pre-requisites for a good result? Describe any one technique of shoulder arthrodesis.
7. Describe pathophysiology of nerve compression (entrapment) syndromes. Enumerate various syndromes of nerve entrapment. Give an outline of the management of Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome.
8. What is traumatic arthrotomy of the knee joint? What is fluid challenge test to confirm the diagnosis in doubtful cases? Outline the principles of management.
9. What are the various causes of late onset paraplegia in tuberculosis of spine? Describe the investigative modalities and outline the principles of management.
10. Describe the management of unicompartmental osteoarthrosis knee.
Paper 2
1. Management of septic arthritis in children,
2. Pathophysiology, types and clinical features of Osteogenesis Imperfecta
3. Prognostic factors and outcome in the treatment of Perthe’s disease
4. Describe Madelung deformity, classification, clinical features and management of madelung's deformity
5. Classify congenital dislocation of knee. Comment on differential diagnosis and management
6. Draw a diagram of Floor Reaction Orthosis, What is a good indication for its use. Describe mechanism of action
7. Orthopaedic manifestation of neurofibromatosis
8. Describe muscular dynamics in calcaneovalgus deformity. Describe management in patients before and after attaining skeletal maturity
9. Classification of neurogenic bladder and management
10. What are closed chain and open chain exercises and discuss ACL rehabilitation protocol
Paper 3
1. Classification, management and complication of fractures of the femoral head and neck in children
2. What are Monteggia equivalents, discuss the principles of management of Monteggia fracture dislocation in children
3. Principles of management of a pulseless hand after supracondylar fractures in children
4. Role of ultrasound in fracture healing
5. Subacromial impingement syndrome
6. Describe indications for amputation, Principles of lower limb amputation in children
7. What is Mangled Extremity severity score(MESS), describe principles of flap coverage in proximal one third of tibia
8. Classify ankle fractures, which pattern has syndesmotic instability, what is their management?
9. What are biodegradable implants, what is their chemical composition? Mention the indications of their use, advantage and disadvantage of their use
10. What is central cord syndrome, describe its clinical presentation. How will you manage such a case?
Paper 4
1. Osteochondral allograft transplantation. Mention indications for the procedure
2. Role of Pamidronate in bone metastasis
3. What do you understand by patellar instability, describe the principles of management, before and after skeletal maturity?
4. Enumerate modalities leading to biological enhancement of fracture healing. Mention the methods of preservation of allogenic bone grafts. Comment on mode of action, advantages and disadvantages
5. Describe the pathogenesis of hallux valgus deformity; describe the role of metatarsus primary varus in the pathogenesis. How will you manage an adolescent girl with severe hallux valgus?
6. Describe various types of rickets; describe biochemical changes and clinical presentation of various types of rickets!
7. Define osteoporosis. Comment on types, causes and management
8. What is highly cross linked polyethylene? How is it manufactured? How has it affected modern total hip arthroplasty?
9. Anatomy of Lisfranc joint, and management of injuries around the joint
10. Describe gate control theory of pain. What is transcutaneous nerve stimulation and its indications?
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